Japan 2020 Technical Mission
Why Should I Join a Technical Mission to Japan - Lean Way Consulting:
Our Solutions
Consultant Guidance
Lean Way conducts its projects by following the Road Map, adapted to the client’s needs, which guides the implementation of Lean mechanisms.
Formation of a Critical Mass
Lean Way trains professionals to work as multipliers for the concepts and tools of the Lean System, using workshops that combine theory and practice, exercises at the genba, group dynamics and simulations.
Lean System Implementation Road Map de Implementação do – Lean Way Consulting

Systemic View
Lean Way Consulting works using a Pilot Project logic, i.e., an implementation effort for Lean tools, practices and strategies focused on a small part of the business (usually, a segment of a value chain). That approach, however, assumes experimentation with, and validation of, the new operations management model for its latter application to the business as a whole. This is the path to a true Lean Enterprise..
The experience and expertise of Lean Way consultants ensure they pay continuous attention to the impacts and consequences the implementation process might have on all business functions, thus applying a truly systemic approach to the work.
Focus on Results
Implementing the Lean System is a change process based on the “continuous improvement” of management strategies, processes and practices, with the goal of improving business performance and, therefore, competitive capability.
The Assessment of Potential stage begins by using data and facts to estimate the potential for recovering waste and, therefore, impacting strategic and operations indicators. The estimate is refined during the Expansion phase of the project planning stage.
All Lean Way projects are based on targets (leveraging the client’s key indicators) and deliveries (Lean practices implemented), with monthly follow-up meetings.
Below you will find a sample of typical results from Lean System implementation processes conducted by Lean Way Consulting:
30% to 60% Increase – Service on time
10% to 20% Decrease – Transformation costs
30% to 65% Increase – Labor productivity
15% to 25% Increase – Efficiency of bottleneck/critical resource
35% to 50% Decrease – Manufacturing lead time
35% to 65% Decrease – Manufacturing lead time
25% to 50% Decrease – Material handling time
50% to 85% Decrease – Setup time
25% to 55% Decrease – Maintenance downtime
Customization: for each case, a solution
The Lean System is based on the Toyota Production System (TPS). Lean Way believes companies should learn from that benchmark instead of merely trying to copy it.
There is no cookie-cutter formula for implementing the model. Each company needs to build their own, according to their strategic orientations, structures and available resources.
AUsing its experience in implementing the Lean System in organizations of all kinds, as well as its solid background in Lean theory, Lean Way works with the implementation team to customize the model and ensure it neutralizes and controls possible impacts each change may have on business functions.
“There is no magic method. Rather, a total management system is needed that develops human ability to its fullest capacity to best enhance creativity and fruitfulness, to utilize facilities and machines well, and to eliminate all waste.”
Taiichi Ohno – Former president, Toyota Motor
Scientific Approach

Lean Way consultants approach change challenges as problems requiring “structured analysis,” generating solutions through a systematic process of hypothesis testing.
That systematic, structured analysis of problems combines three fundamental mechanisms:
– PDCA cycle:
Shewhart Cycle (PDCA
– Collecting evidence and conclusions based on data and facts:
– Genchi Genbutsu – watch/go to where things happen:
When working on change processes, Lean Way consultants are always mindful of the need to instill a mindset based on problem solving with a sense of urgency and on the disciplined application of the scientific approach, always facing challenges in an objective, logical and rational manner.
Execution + Training
Lean Way consultants adopt a hands-on attitude, focused on “do-act.”
No other quality better characterizes the Lean Way Team. However, consultants always teach using hands-on work, based on doing and acting (a “Sensei” attitude).
They are coaches, trying to use systematic questioning (5 Whys) to challenge the trainee to apply a scientific approach to understanding problems and seeking solutions.