Japan 2020 Technical Mission
Why Should I Join a Technical Mission to Japan – Lean Way Consulting::
The Company – Our Journey
It’s hard to separate the history of Lean Way Consulting and the career of its founding partner and CEO, Paulo Ghinato. A Lean System (Toyota Production System) specialist with a 35-year career and more than 27 years of deep involvement with the subject (four of which spent in Japan), in 2002, Ghinato gathered other expert professionals around the idea of building an operations management consultancy focused on supporting Lean System implementation.

Throughout its history, Lean Way Consulting has worked steadily towards becoming the Brazilian leader in total implementation of the Lean Enterprise model and a reference in training multipliers. Lean Way is recognized for its ethical and accountable behavior, mastery of the theoretical and practical aspects of the Lean System, and focus on applying impactful customized solutions.
In almost 20 years:
- Experience in 40 manufacturing and service industries
- Over 300 projects
- Over 100 clients
- Major Corporations (> R$ 500 million/year)
- Industry Leaders
- Opinion Makers
- Present in several states and all five regions of Brazil
- Work in 14 countries

Our Team

Understand our services and methods.

Learn more about the Lean System
Nossa Referência – Sistema Toyota de Produção (Lean System)

Principles of the Lean System
People are the Key Factor
Excellence in Delivery of Product/Service
Continuous Pursuit and Elimination of Waste

Objectives of the Lean System
Highest Quality Products and Services
At the Lowest Cost
As Quickly as Possible (Shortest Lead Time).

The Company – Our Mission, Vision and Values
Proposing and ENABLING management improvement SOLUTIONS, aligned with the principles and goals of the LEAN SYSTEM, in order to OPTIMIZE PERFORMANCE and SUSTAIN business growth for our clients.
Become one of the TOP FIVE benchmarks in OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT and total LEAN SYSTEM implementation consulting firms in Brazil.
- ETHICS in all actions and relationships
- TRANSPARENCY in our objectives, understanding and expertise
- PERSEVERANCE & PATIENCE to teach, engage and reach objectives
- HUMILITY to acknowledge we need to continue learning and what others contribute (KNOWING HOW TO LISTEN)
- TEAMWORK (No one grows alone – Shunji Nishimura)
- COMMITMENT to deliveries and results